Alliance Française de San Diego is an official certifications and proficiency exam center.
We offer DELF / DALF and TCF certifications to people looking for a reliable way to assess their level of French for school records, university applications, career requirements, and more.
We offer the DAEFLE for persons willing to teach French as a Second Language.
For any inquiries about certifications, please contact certifications@afsandiego.org
Before registering for a test, be sure of your French proficiency level. If you're unsure which test suits you best, consider taking a placement test.

The CEFR: Classifying your Level of French Proficiency
On your journey towards ever greater mastery of the langue de Molière, it is very useful to have an objective and precise way of classifying your level. To this end, the AFSD follows the guidelines given by the Council of Europe in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, or the CEFRL. This framework allows you to describe your language proficiency in six levels:
A1 - Beginner
A2 - Elementary
B1 - Intermediate
B2 - Upper-intermediate
C1 - Advanced
C2 - Proficiency
Let’s explore what you can do at each level:
Can communicate basic needs with familiar expressions.
Can introduce yourself and ask questions about personal details.
Can interact simply as long as the other person speaks slowly and clearly.
Can understand content with immediate relevance.
Can exchange direct information to complete simple tasks.
Can describe your background, environment, and needs in a simple manner
Can deal with most situations likely to arrive while traveling to a Francophone place.
Can produce simple texts on familiar topics.
Can understand input related to work, school, and leisure and briefly express hopes and opinions.
Can understand the main ideas of complex texts, both concrete and abstract.
Can interact with native speakers with relative ease.
Can produce clear, detailed text and explain viewpoints.
Can understand longer, more difficult texts and recognize implicit meaning.
Can use French effectively for academic and professional purposes.
Can produce well-structured, detailed texts.
Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read.
Can reconstruct and present information from spoken and written sources.
Can express yourself with fluency, spontaneity, and precision in complex situations.
For more information, you can consult the CEFR levels as described by the Council of Europe: https://www.coe.int/en/web/common-european-framework-reference-languages/level-descriptions
Take our placement test to find out your level and guarantee that you are signed up for the best class for your language needs: https://www.afsandiego.org/placement-test/
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