We have one of the largest French Language selections in San Diego, from classics to new books and comics, as well as DVD and CD. As a member of the Alliance Francaise de San Diego, you can borrow up to 4 items (at the same time) from our wide collection for one month. Read more about the Library policy below.
How to borrow a book or DVD? Come visit the library at the Alliance Francaise San Diego
6390 Greenwich Dr, #185, San Diego, CA 92122
Check our opening hours and choose your items!
NB: books are located in our classrooms. We often have classes after 4 pm, so we encourage you to visit us before 4 pm.
Contact for questions.
Adults books
+ 1500 books
Youth books
+ 750 books
+450 dvd

We are accepting book donations for children's books and very recent books in good condition. Contact with your donation proposal so we can advise you on how to proceed.

The Library is open during the office hours of the Alliance Francaise.
Check on Google before coming.
Items can be borrowed by members only.
If you borrow items, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted the policies
Culturethèque: Your French e-Library
As a member, you also have access to Culturethèque de l'Institut Français. What is it?
- It's the possibility to read French magazines as they hit newsstands.
- The access to more than 200,000 documents online.
- The opportunity to practice your French through different media like books, comics, videos, concerts, shows, and learning materials.